Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) is an experiential training program in pastoral/spiritual care using an action/reflection model of learning, supplemented with teaching sessions and reading. Participants explore how to be present to others who are experiencing distress and how to offer grounded spiritual interventions informed by self-awareness and best practice.
♦ 200 hours of placement (of which 100 hours is actual face-to-face pastoral/spiritual care)
♦ 90 hours of group work
♦ 10 hours of individual supervision and
♦ 100 hours of reflection, reading and preparation of written/oral material.
While the courses offered vary between our centres and our educators, there are basic elements which are present in all of our programs.
Pastoral Encounter Reviews are at the heart of the CPE learning model. These are analytical and reflective documents which participants present to their peers and supervisor. Paticipants reflect on the impact of their attitudes, values and assumptions on the care they provide, while learning theoretical principles related to the practice of pastoral and spiritual care.
Reflection Papers are individualised assignments geared towards encouraging participants to practise further reflection and analysis related to some particular learning issue, theoretical principle, or the impact of some personal attribute or behaviour on their professional practice.
Pastoral Labs offer participants the opportunity to see their practice through the eyes of their peers and supervisors and to see themselves on video.
Individual Supervision is a time for one-on-one reflection with the educator. Often this includes reviewing a specific example of professional practice, but may also include exploration of any issue related to the integration of personal and professional identity, reflection on the learning process, or addressing struggles encountered in the course of providing care.
Because our supervisors continually seek to refine their practice and to meet particular needs of their students, a variety of other components may be offered during certain CPE units. Please contact a CPE Centre for more information about what will be included in upcoming units.